Thursday 5 March 2015

What Makes Learning Difficult Assessed Activity 2.3

The Challenges With Learning

There are many challenges with learning, there always has been and always will be. In this blog I will be discussing the difficulties which are presented with ubiquitous learning and also personalised learning.

Troubles with ubiquitous:

I have already covered distractions with ubiquitous learning. In this post I will be covering another topic which will be availability of the network and technology for ubiquitous learning.

A very real challenge for distance learning is that if a class that a student takes a strictly online class, there comes a massive issue with downtime. If the student needs to take a class online and their network is unstable then this creates a huge problem. Firstly that student cannot learn until the network is stable and running again. Network companies and ISP providers are always trying to ensure the smallest amount of downtime possible to customers to prevent problems like this.

Troubles with the personalised:

I've been thinking about a problem with personalised learning and I have only really come to one conclusion.

This will be brief but I hope it gets to the point. The only problem I see with personalised learning is the conflict with ubiquitous learning. For example a student has to take an ubiquitous learning style class. There is only one major flaw with this, what if that student studies three times more efficiently while he has a physical teacher in the room. There in lies the problem.

What I mean by this, is that ubiquitous learning may not be the best for everyone. It may work very well for others. There are challenges for everything. Its about finding alternative solutions to ensure the desired result is achieved.

Well that's what I think...

What do you think?

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