Thursday 26 March 2015

Crowd Sourced Content Assessed Activity 4.1 ,4.2 and 4.3

Assessed Activity 4.1

Hey there, very short blog post here, have been asked to edit a wiki page and the page i chose to edit was about E-Learning and how crowd sourced content fits into that, links down below :D I have added all the information as seen by the crowd sourced content section under the E-Learning category

And heres a link to my wiki page and twitter

Wiki page:


This reference is here because the wiki page would not accept the link. Provided me with an "Unknown Error"

Assessed Activity 4.2

(2014 September 29) Retrieved from:

Assessed Activity 4.3

Monday 9 March 2015

Teaching the Teachers Assessed activity 3.3

Teaching Teachers to Teach

Teacher, take a seat:

Teachers need to be taught. They need to be taught to teach, There are skills that they need to know to effectively teach a group of students, they must be able to communicate and assess their students just to name a couple. The skills will be broken up into fundamental skills and advanced skills.

Fundamental skills:

Teaching for good behavior
Reflective practice
Teaching learning and assessment methods
Introducing observational approaches for research.

These skills are not necessarily to do with IT but are needed to teach a class in general, effectively.

Intermediate Skills:

Concept centered training
Understanding online interaction
Blogs wikis and new media for learning
Communicating in cyberspace
Art and technology
Practical guidelines for using technology tools in the classroom

The intermediate skills are IT based but should be stacked on top of the fundamental skills also.

Advanced skills:

Understanding and evaluating education
K-12 leadership and the education administration curriculum
Ethical administrators
School business manager
School governor planning for improvement

These are all courses which can be taken for teachers to learn how to effectively teach.

#vmvdlt @medkh9


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Saturday 7 March 2015

Schooling DLT Itself Assessed Activity 3.1

The Implications of DLT In Schools

In this exciting blog post, I will be discussing the implications and needs for digital learning technology in education. I will discuss why it is needed, some problems or obstacles presented and the roles that they play inside educational facilities. 

A few barriers I see:

With almost anything there are implications that will arise. So naturally if any sort of technology is going to be implemented anywhere, there needs to be protocols in place in case anything goes wrong. That's usually where support comes in.

If any technology is going to be implemented into an organisation there needs to be support for the infrastructure. This applies for both students and teachers in an educational institution. Teachers may use some technology for teaching material, but may not necessarily understand how to use it or utilise it to its full potential.

Help desk or IT support is a system where if a piece of software causes a student or teacher difficulty where it shouldn't, a team of help desk workers can strategically analyse and troubleshoot the problem by process of elimination. 9/10 times this results in a simple solution and the problem being solved. It is essential that organisations have software support to eliminate downtime as much as possible.

What position does it play?

Firstly I will be talking about wiki's. What does a wiki do in relation of DLT and what is it's role?

We all know what a wiki is. In relation to DLT a wiki is a place where a communal group can edit and read on one or many subjects. A wiki is important to DLT because it creates a gateway where like minded individuals can contribute to other peoples work. The contribution can be pure fact or opinionated.  Without a wiki there is a massive loss for the potential of learning.

Next is discussion forums. A good discussion forum is great for learning, especially for school assignments. A question is usually asked on the discussion forum and can be replied by a teacher or student. This is a great way to get different aspects on subjects from different people. Like the wiki it is a communal page that everyone can edit. (may need a sign up or account creation) but can create a strong discussion with students and teachers having an input, which can help with assignments and many other things.


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Thursday 5 March 2015

Unnecessary Changes WS2.2

An Easy Change:

So there is really nothing much on this post, all it is, is just redirecting all you awesome people to my wiki page! For a bit more excitement I'm going to throw in the link to my twitter page too if you guys want to check that out as well.

How I feel about changing someone's wiki is, truthfully, I don't like it. It's too easy to do and could really annoy some people if you were that way inclined. There needs to be a line drawn when someone cannot edit someone else's personal entries or information. It's a no from me.

Thanks heaps everyone.

P.S I'll put one of my friends wiki pages up here too, for some support!


Friends Wiki:

My Wiki: 

That is all for now. Enjoy your day everybody!

What Makes Learning Difficult Assessed Activity 2.3

The Challenges With Learning

There are many challenges with learning, there always has been and always will be. In this blog I will be discussing the difficulties which are presented with ubiquitous learning and also personalised learning.

Troubles with ubiquitous:

I have already covered distractions with ubiquitous learning. In this post I will be covering another topic which will be availability of the network and technology for ubiquitous learning.

A very real challenge for distance learning is that if a class that a student takes a strictly online class, there comes a massive issue with downtime. If the student needs to take a class online and their network is unstable then this creates a huge problem. Firstly that student cannot learn until the network is stable and running again. Network companies and ISP providers are always trying to ensure the smallest amount of downtime possible to customers to prevent problems like this.

Troubles with the personalised:

I've been thinking about a problem with personalised learning and I have only really come to one conclusion.

This will be brief but I hope it gets to the point. The only problem I see with personalised learning is the conflict with ubiquitous learning. For example a student has to take an ubiquitous learning style class. There is only one major flaw with this, what if that student studies three times more efficiently while he has a physical teacher in the room. There in lies the problem.

What I mean by this, is that ubiquitous learning may not be the best for everyone. It may work very well for others. There are challenges for everything. Its about finding alternative solutions to ensure the desired result is achieved.

Well that's what I think...

What do you think?

Moving Forward With Technology Assessed Activity 2.2

Technology Integration

In this blog post i will be having a quick discussion about how in my previous posts how digital learning technologies have been integrated into different types of learning. So here is what i'm going to cover

My most memorable learning techniques, (so my favorite)
Learning techniques that have created a barrier for my learning also.

Bad News First:

Firstly I will talk about how I feel that technology has been a barrier to my learning.

In this example I will be discussing the technology used in the class I am taking which has me writing these blog posts. Oh the irony.

So when I have my digital learning technologies class, the teacher sets up a few things for ubiquitous learning. We use adobe connect, basically so students can sit at home while taking the class. There is a few problems with this, it does come down to ones will and motivation but still...

The problem I have with this is that it is too easily abused, far too easy. For example it is very easy to sign yourself into the class while sitting at home, that is not the problem. The problem is that it is too easy to become distracted, it is far too easy to just open a Facebook tab, or slip in a video on YouTube.

I find there are two reasons for this. The first is because there is no teacher in front of you. I personally believe that I will be far less distracted and more intent on learning if the teacher was present, and that will always be the case for me. Technologies have positives and pitfalls, this is one of them for me.

Finally, The Good News:

Technology is also a very good thing for learning, it makes it quicker, more efficient and fun. Out of those adjectives I am choosing fun.

The fun for me is being able to interact with a classroom while still at home. I am again using the class I take as an example. As the class is being taught in the classroom the teacher can allow you mic access to speak. This may not sound fun, but I personally think it is quite cool to talk to a classroom while you may be 15km or 500km away, it doesn't matter. That is the other side of the coin. These kinds of technologies keep students or tutors interested and will interact more and probably be better at the work they do.

Thanks for reading. :D

Learning With Games! (KSP) Assessed Activity 2.1 Pedagogies

Pedagogical Approaches

I have been asked to pick four pedagogical approaches to learning, and describe an instance where I have found it effective or not, and how e-Learning can be integrated into these pedagogical approaches.

For your excitement I am going to include what these approaches mean, to help you better understand what I am discussing.

Project Based Learning: Is a dynamic classroom where they discuss real world problems and acquire a deeper knowledge.

Case Based Learning: Case based learning is where students acquire an analytical approach and reflective judgement by using complex real life scenarios.

Inquiry Based Learning: Is posing questions, problems or scenarios, rather than simply presenting established facts.

Resource Based Learning: Resource based learning is student centered, students are actively involved and more responsible for their own learning.

Game Based Learning: Game based learning is simply a game with educational purposes which keep the user interested

I have also been asked to describe a situation using one of these learning ideas, on a personal experience of mine where that applies and I have chosen....

Kerbal Space Program!

This is a game but it also is not a game, which is why I consider it a part of the game based learning pedagogies.

Kerbal Space Program or KSP is a space simulator. Your task in the game is to control a space center, launch rockets, space planes, space stations, land on other planets, redirect asteroids and much more. The reason this is not just a game is because of the intense learning curve that applies to the game. Players basically must learn fundamentals of rocket science and astronomy. Yes rocket science, from mass allocation for your rockets, to being able to orbit the earth without crashing back down in a spectacular fashion.

For example it took me 1 month to learn how to effectively get into a stable orbit without using a ridiculous amount of fuel. This is just one challenge of many that players must overcome. In saying that i have learnt a massive amount about astronomy and rocket science

If you dont believe me, look for yourself

Now e-Learning would be very easy and common to integrate into KSP, One example is screen sharing and streaming. For example if a beginner of the game needs help, someone with more experience can share their screen with the beginner user and in real time, show them how to effectively perform a certain task. This would be great because you could teach someone a certain aspect as both teacher and learner would both be able to see what the other is doing. Another example would be recreating a scenario like Apollo 15 or something similar.

This is just a couple of examples that can be used to increase learning effiency.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Stylish Learning Assessed Activity 1.2 Learning Styles

Learning Styles and some acronyms

Today in this blog post I am going to explain what a couple of acronyms stand for. This is all in the terms of individuals learning styles and how they differ from individual to individual.

Firstly I am going to explain what the acronym V.A.K.O.G stands for.

V.A.K.O.G is a collection of learning styles and stands for Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory. These are the human sensory systems.

For example Bob might be a Visual learner, so diagrams and pictures help him learn better. Joane is an Auditory learner, so hearing the information she needs to know is more effective for her.

The next acronym I will be explaining is N.L.P

N.L.P is the study of how people learn and how to effectively increase learning output.

N.L.P stands for Neurology, Linguistic and Programming

Both V.A.K.O.G and N.L.P are very closely related as N.L.P is the study of how the brain works and how the mind is used to learn, it is basically the study of how the brain works to learn and what they want to discover, if there are new and improved ways of how to learn.

So after N.L.P they have obviously discovered the V.A.K.O.G method, while studying the mind they have discovered that the brain uses visual, auditory etc. 

And that's all folks!


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How We Learn! Assessed Activity 1.1

Assessed Activity 1.1 Learning Theories

About Ubiquitous Learning:

Once upon a time there was no such thing as distance learning, streaming or YouTube for teaching materials, this meant that to be taught something, someone who had the knowledge would physically have to be there to teach anyone anything.

That is not the case in 2015. Ubiquitous learning is now, if not, very close to the mainstream, because of technologies like wireless, twitch and other forms of communication in real time (sort of real time) makes Ubiquitous learning very easy. Ubiquitous learning is the the form of teaching and or learning anytime, anywhere.

A couple of examples of ubiquitous learning are for one, the institute I attend E.I.T has a campus in Gisborne, Some of the classes are streamed live from Gisborne so the teacher in Hawke's Bay can tutor the students in Gisborne. This is ubiquitous learning.

Another example of ubiquitous learning is the use of YouTube. If someone wants to learn a piano song, usually they would hire a piano tutor and ask the tutor to teach them the song they would like to learn. Not with ubiquitous learning, anyone can look up on YouTube a piano song, a guitar song or any instrument, and someone, somewhere out there will have what you need.

About Individualized Learning:

Personalised learning is just how it sounds. It is about getting students to take control of their own learning, as each individual has their own strengths and weaknesses.

What this means is that each student needs to understand how they learn, what drives them to learn and what is the best method for them to learn the most efficient way they can. For example a student may be very good at learning while a teacher teaches the student the content, while another student may become, disinterested, discouraged and bored.

The best example i can think of for personalised learning is learning methods. There are several types, there is Cognitive, Visual, Audio, Kinaesthetic, Verbal  and many others now.

Different people learn better in different ways, for example Joe may find that he studies better if the information he needs to remember is in drawings, while Sally finds it much easier to listen to the teacher tell her the information she needs.

All of these aspects come under personalised learning and finding what suits you best can make a huge impact on an individuals learning.


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