Thursday 5 March 2015

Moving Forward With Technology Assessed Activity 2.2

Technology Integration

In this blog post i will be having a quick discussion about how in my previous posts how digital learning technologies have been integrated into different types of learning. So here is what i'm going to cover

My most memorable learning techniques, (so my favorite)
Learning techniques that have created a barrier for my learning also.

Bad News First:

Firstly I will talk about how I feel that technology has been a barrier to my learning.

In this example I will be discussing the technology used in the class I am taking which has me writing these blog posts. Oh the irony.

So when I have my digital learning technologies class, the teacher sets up a few things for ubiquitous learning. We use adobe connect, basically so students can sit at home while taking the class. There is a few problems with this, it does come down to ones will and motivation but still...

The problem I have with this is that it is too easily abused, far too easy. For example it is very easy to sign yourself into the class while sitting at home, that is not the problem. The problem is that it is too easy to become distracted, it is far too easy to just open a Facebook tab, or slip in a video on YouTube.

I find there are two reasons for this. The first is because there is no teacher in front of you. I personally believe that I will be far less distracted and more intent on learning if the teacher was present, and that will always be the case for me. Technologies have positives and pitfalls, this is one of them for me.

Finally, The Good News:

Technology is also a very good thing for learning, it makes it quicker, more efficient and fun. Out of those adjectives I am choosing fun.

The fun for me is being able to interact with a classroom while still at home. I am again using the class I take as an example. As the class is being taught in the classroom the teacher can allow you mic access to speak. This may not sound fun, but I personally think it is quite cool to talk to a classroom while you may be 15km or 500km away, it doesn't matter. That is the other side of the coin. These kinds of technologies keep students or tutors interested and will interact more and probably be better at the work they do.

Thanks for reading. :D

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