Wednesday 4 March 2015

Stylish Learning Assessed Activity 1.2 Learning Styles

Learning Styles and some acronyms

Today in this blog post I am going to explain what a couple of acronyms stand for. This is all in the terms of individuals learning styles and how they differ from individual to individual.

Firstly I am going to explain what the acronym V.A.K.O.G stands for.

V.A.K.O.G is a collection of learning styles and stands for Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic, Olfactory and Gustatory. These are the human sensory systems.

For example Bob might be a Visual learner, so diagrams and pictures help him learn better. Joane is an Auditory learner, so hearing the information she needs to know is more effective for her.

The next acronym I will be explaining is N.L.P

N.L.P is the study of how people learn and how to effectively increase learning output.

N.L.P stands for Neurology, Linguistic and Programming

Both V.A.K.O.G and N.L.P are very closely related as N.L.P is the study of how the brain works and how the mind is used to learn, it is basically the study of how the brain works to learn and what they want to discover, if there are new and improved ways of how to learn.

So after N.L.P they have obviously discovered the V.A.K.O.G method, while studying the mind they have discovered that the brain uses visual, auditory etc. 

And that's all folks!


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